Sunday, January 9, 2011

Confidence strikes

All these years I've been battling with this word- CONFIDENCE. All I can say that it is a really powerful word that can change one's way of life. And recently, I've come across several quotes which contain this word as well. And I believe that if one thoroughly read behind the lines of these phrases, your confidence level could be boosted to the maximum level. That is what I felt after analyzing these quotes for some time. :) And I'm glad that these quotes popped right up to me at my face at the right time. For instance,

"I always believe that a woman will be pretty no matter what she wears or dresses if she knows how to carry herself well and confidently. No amount of designer dresses can be put on you to make you pretty if you are not confident of yourself. Each is gifted by God and each has their own unique body shape, it is how you complement your personality with your external appearance that makes you attractive" -Bernard Chandran

This quote especially has given me such a deep impression that no matter if we are ugly or pretty, it doesn't really matter. The most vital element that everyone of us need to possess is Self-Confidence. :) So, always believe in yourself-your capabilities, self-esteem, instincts and most importantly what your heart says. It may not be always right, your heart that I'm referring to, but most of the time it is. So all you beautiful ladies out there, don't be shy or embarrassed with your looks, external appearance or figure, instead you should be thankful and grateful to God and parents for presenting you,a precious gift-to the world. :) Just put up your self-confidence to the highest level and walk right through :) This similarly applies to all you handsome gentlemen out there too :)

I admit that I used to be a very timid and shy person when I was younger. But as years passed, daily life experiences have definitely played their roles in moulding me into a more outgoing and outspoken person. And I definitely need to thank my family and friends for this :) I'm not perfect yet, but I'll try my very best to be the person I dream to be - a young lady who would walk through her life with full of confidence :) I hope that this message brought to you will at least ignite the light in you :) 

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent" - Eleanor Roosevelt

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